Mentioned in the previous post, getting back on a motorcycle last year (2015) was the first time in approx 32,5 years. Doing so I had a dream, a plan, a desire. Well actually many desires but to be able to go on vacation MC style, and ride far down into Europe, was one of them. Originally…read more>>
New year, clean slate? Don’t know about that, but…
..making promises at the end of the old year, for the new year, to myself, and keep them, yep, tried and failed. Yet sometimes, for whatever reason, whether associated with a new year, new beginning or clean slate kinda feeling, those do lead … somewhere. Making it a new start? Doing a (light/heavy) reboot? A kick-my-butt symbolic fresh start? A page turn? I’ll speak for…read more>>
Facebook fatigue? Time for a break
You read about it, you hear more and more about it. Some have gone to the length of describing it as a 21st century illness. One that might have a significant impact on people, society, in a not too distant future. The symptoms are much more, far greater and less platform attached. But as Facebook…read more>>
What lurks in the human mind…
… sometimes can surprise us, shock us and deceive us. What lurks in the human mind can change the life of a family, of a society, of nations, it can even change the entire world. What lurks in the human mind has a limitless capacity for good, regrettably also a ditto limitless capacity for bad. The latest appalling example of this limitless…read more>>
Social media for marketing
Like everyone else I get promotional mails, sales and marketing stuff in my inbox. The majority of these mails auto-magically ends up in the trash, labelled as spam. Thank heavens for improved spam filtering! Some mails I might hastily and/or accidentally scan through, even happens I read some. The reason, or inspiration, for this blog post, came in the…read more>>