“Romjul” is the Norwegian name for the period between Christmas eve and New Years eve. Many here takes either the whole week or some days off work. Bank Holidays and when they occur usually determines for how long. I had some days saved up and had to spend them prior to years end, feels good, weather’s been…read more>>
Blogging not entirely at a grinding halt…
Though it might look like it. Yes very much so. Been a while since last blogging, the last post. Very busy times, especially the last weeks. No blogging, but the world kept spinning And nothing else came to a grinding halt, surprise! The Earth kept spinning, the sun kept rising (and descending), the moon kept waxing and waning….read more>>
MC Season over, Saturday procrastination & spring pics
MC season is over. Meant to finish the next (and last) blog about my summer Adventure in Europe, but ended up going back to the beginning of the MC Season instead. Because of Faint PMS (Parked Motorcycle Syndrome) maybe? Not unlikely, though its just been two weeks since I parked the bike. How will I survive winter!…read more>>
New year, clean slate? Don’t know about that, but…
..making promises at the end of the old year, for the new year, to myself, and keep them, yep, tried and failed. Yet sometimes, for whatever reason, whether associated with a new year, new beginning or clean slate kinda feeling, those do lead … somewhere. Making it a new start? Doing a (light/heavy) reboot? A kick-my-butt symbolic fresh start? A page turn? I’ll speak for…read more>>
Not a Christmas Carol, but a Christmas story
I started morning of December 24th by getting up much too early and almost immediately, before completely woken up, bravely (or foolishly) hopped on an attempt to repair our well used Moccamaster coffee machine. In retrospect I cannot rule out the possibility that the project would have gone a lot smoother had I done three things prior to start-up; 1)…read more>>
Facebook fatigue? Time for a break
You read about it, you hear more and more about it. Some have gone to the length of describing it as a 21st century illness. One that might have a significant impact on people, society, in a not too distant future. The symptoms are much more, far greater and less platform attached. But as Facebook…read more>>
Procrastination yes, how about you?
Procrastination, not everyone are familiar with this word. I’ve known it since in my teens. Guess that means that I’m one of those who’ve fallen victim! What is Procrastination Procrastination is the practice of carrying out less urgent tasks in preference to more urgent ones, or doing more pleasurable things in place of less pleasurable ones. Because of…read more>>