New year, clean slate? Don’t know about that, but…

..making promises at the end of the old year, for the new year, to myself, and keep them, yep, tried and failed. Yet sometimes, for whatever reason, whether associated with a new year, new beginning or clean slate kinda feeling, those do lead … somewhere.  Making it a new start? Doing a (light/heavy) reboot? A kick-my-butt symbolic fresh start? A page turn? I’ll speak for…read more>>

May 2015, a (too long?) summary

it’s been a while since I posted anything, so therefore, on this last day in May I decided it’s time.. for a blog. May 2015 – brrr… cold May has been cold where I live, in fact the coldest May recorded in 19 years. Another side effect of climatic changes and global warming? Some would say…read more>>

A musical giant have left us, RIP

On March 13th 2015 Daevid Allen, Age 77, one of the most original musical artists of this and the former century, exhaled for the last time. Posted on Facebook the morning (CET) of Friday 13th, by his son Orlando Monday Allen: ”And so dada Ali, bert camembert, the dingo Virgin, divided alien and his other 12 selves…read more>>