Aprilia Tuareg has received good reviews in the worldwide adventure motorcycle community. May 16th it was my turn to get acquainted with it. When Yamaha Tenerè 700 launched I got to test ride it pretty early. Truth be told it’s a great motorcycle. However, It lacked, and still in the later incarnation lacks, things I’ve…read more>>
MC related
Continental TKC 70 tire review
Continental TKC 70 tires wasn’t a part of any plan. A change just happened on the return home from this year’s Euro-Adventure (more later). I could have made it home, back to Norway, with the Anakee Adventure tires. But the rear was very worn. Since being in Germany, where tires are cheaper, it made sense…read more>>
Handlebar risers, controversies & (personal) results
Handlebar risers is a must for some of us. No motorcycle will fit everyone perfectly, out of the box, from the assembly line. The above is, to me at least, being a taller guy, an inescapable fact. Or, it has been so far, every time I hop on a new bike. The difference risers can…read more>>
2500 kilometers on KTM1290 Super Adventure S
2500 kilometers went quickly, or quicker than I thought. During and right after Easter we had good spring temps so I wasted no time. That did not last. Now we’re down into single digits Celsius. But with proper gear it’s not an issue, gusts or no gusts. It’s been day rides only. The longest this…read more>>
KTM 1290 Super Adventure S, first impressions
KTM 1290 Super Adventure S is a very different beast from my previous bike. So different it’s almost like comparing apples and oranges. But compare them I will (attempt), although there are some other variables to factor in. Some variables are related to me. For those who’ve not read previous posts, here are some reasons….read more>>
The 2021 season – return to a passion
The 2021 (motorcycle) season is still months away (here). Many look forward to spring. Forward to, hopefully, some normality. How normal the year of 2021 and season will be, largely depends on us, the citizens. On the nations of the world. Vaccines may help, especially if people take them. Equally, following guidelines helps, a lot….read more>>
Shit happens, sometimes in the right places
Shit happens, sometimes in the right places. This is (also) a truth and, as it were, a truth I much prefer when shit does happen. So Monday April 6th the motorcycle season was supposed to start for me. A little late compared to last year. But those who wait for something good never wait in…read more>>
Hearing protection, loss of hearing or Tinnitus
Hearing protection is a must if you’re riding a motorcycle. The consequences of no or poor protection can be serious and life lasting. Hearing protection should never be ignored. if you work in noisy environments, you probably know this very well. Take no risks. Sustained sound/sonic pressure can cause life-long damages. Or reduced hearing, especially…read more>>
Air filters – all that glitters is not gold
Air filters do a very crucial job, that’s a no-brainer. You don’t need deep insight to realize the air filtration system also require frequent attention. The norm is to change air filter at service intervals for your motorcycle. But if you ride offroad, on gravel or dirt, it might be sensible to inspect more frequently….read more>>
Going east, 2019 Summer adventure, day 13
Going east never was a part of my plans. But as the weather forecast brought news of a heatwave in France I had to, regrettably, drop the French Alps. Sometimes in life, well maybe a little more often than sometimes, things don’t turn out as you’d hoped. When it happens one just have to improvise,…read more>>