The winter of 2017/2018 have brought back snow, in plenty, to the Nordic, my region. And the country as a whole. It would be correct to say this winter will go down in history as a snowy “blast from the past”. A sign of change? Who knows, maybe it does represent changes in the (global)…read more>>
With motorcycles parked one does winter things
When I bought my second motorbike I did think about putting spike tires on and ride during winter. It didn’t happen. Guess I am too chicken 🙂 As the temp dropped below freezing I parked it. It’s been in the backyard under a tarp since early November. Weather and winter will decide for how long. Yes,…read more>>
Interval ergometer pedaling, one month+ of experience
It’s been about 2,5 months since I first wrote about my not so cheerful experience buying a techy ergometer bicycle. We know how it is, sometimes when buying stuff things do not always go as planned. You might be unlucky, and get something faulty. Such is the beauty of mass-production. No one made any protests (as if that would…read more>>
I miss a real winter…
…more specifically, I miss an opportunity to exercise, without falling, without sliding, getting hurt or breaking a bone. Might have to reconsider this about going to a gym. Truth be told, it’s not that bad. Transitional periods are however the worst, climate slips into SNAFU mode, oscillating between a few degrees above or below freezing point….read more>>
New year, clean slate? Don’t know about that, but…
..making promises at the end of the old year, for the new year, to myself, and keep them, yep, tried and failed. Yet sometimes, for whatever reason, whether associated with a new year, new beginning or clean slate kinda feeling, those do lead … somewhere. Making it a new start? Doing a (light/heavy) reboot? A kick-my-butt symbolic fresh start? A page turn? I’ll speak for…read more>>
Staying fit, interval training, Fitbit Surge
We all know it’s a good idea to pay attention to health, or “the status of the physical holster”. There’s no need to go scientific to realize, no need to read product declarations to comprehend, count calories or carbohydrates to measure, that lots of things we put in our mouth, more so in the western “civilized” world, is bad for our health….read more>>
It’s spring, time to clean your PC?
Well spring at least for those of us camping somewhere in the northern Hemisphere. With spring and summer comes increased indoor temperatures, unless of course you have air conditioning. Not very common where I live truth be told. In any event, and regardless of circumstances or season, regular computer cleaning is important. Your PC is a dust magnet,…read more>>
Running shoes, too many choices
I am not an fitness extremist, not by a long shot. If you’re in the 50 something, or older, having exercising routines is a good idea. In fact, it is a VERY good idea. Yet, do too much too sporadically, and that is not a good approach. Routines, however dreadful and boring it might sound, is what you need. Else you might end up doing a…read more>>