I did some riding south in France in 2021. Came through Switzerland then as well, a few miles further east, a bit closer to Bern. Experiences from that adventure did influence our choice of direction. Whereas I’d been in the area before, it was a new experience for Truls-Erik. And as conditions at higher altitudes…read more>>
Timmelsjoch high alpine road, 2021 (10)
Timmelsjoch High Alpine Road is for many a goal, and more than once. Know people who consider riding it obligatory, when in Austria. Been a few years since I was here last time. Decided I could not leave Austria without having ridden the road and pass again. I’d also made an appointment to meet up…read more>>
The Grossglockner High Alpine Road – 2021 (9)
It’s almost inconceivable to travel into, or around in, the Austrian Alps without riding Grossglockner High Alpine Road. Whether from one side to the other, or both directions. The Grossglockner high alpine road is one of those roads that, whether you enter from the north or the south, gives some bubbling form of excitement. Maybe…read more>>
An offroad mishap, after Assietta
Offroad or gravel and dirt riding can be an exhilarating experience. Maybe at times too exciting. But if nothing else, it makes memories! Memories Indeed. I will not easily forget what happened in Italy September 2021. But first lets get through… Strada dell’ Assietta offroad (2) Assietta is a road many “pedalists” flock to. So…read more>>
Assietta or Strada dell’Assietta, a definite high
The Alpine military road known as Strada dell’Assietta is a road that, for many motorcycle riders sits high up on the list of must do’s. So also for me. But it wasn’t planned. Like so many other things, in life and on tour, it just happened. Actually, I wasn’t sure I’d do it, alone, on…read more>>
Five passes on a day, in France
August 28th became the day of the five passes. A long day, a pretty long ride. But what does that matter when you’re in the French Alps? As I got started in the morning, nothing was planned. Well, I had a couple of passes on my list. But nothing definite. And absolutely no idea about…read more>>
2017 Summer Adventure part 9, Alpine Austria
Woke up to a beautiful Alpine morning, and headed down for breakfast. The Sun shone from clear blue sky over the wood clad pass. A Sunny morning is never wrong, definitely not when out on an adventurous ride! The restaurant and breakfast area in Hotel Kornock has a very pleasant atmosphere. Took seat at a table,…read more>>