Last Updated on: May 12, 2021
It’s been a while since the last MC related post. Work and life has demanded a lot of time and energy. I’ve been out riding when time and weather allowed escaping. Subsequently there’s been lots of cool MC expeditions during fall. I’ll post some pictures later.
In other words, I’ve been fairly two-wheel active, that is, till Wednesday November 2nd. Then the bike was turned in for winter storage and care taking.
Next year hopefully a garden bike shed will be in place!
The MC season is near the end
when there’s ice on roads. Sunday October 30th me and a friend were out and about, realized it was time to park. We took an inland route and spotted several spots covered with ice. Fortunately the temperature quickly rose to just below 10C which helped alot.
The sun warmed up the tarmac and it was all good. We ended doing over 200 kilometers of good riding.
So that’s it then?
Well at least until the PMS (Parked Motorcycle Syndrome) get the better of me. Have thought about getting a second bike, something smaller, lighter. A Motard on which it’s possible to fit spike tires. I check out ads but the offerings don’t exist in abundance.
Selling a MC in this country in November is not exactly synonymous with successful business. We’ll see about this, but regardless would be cool to have a smaller bike to take into the woods and ride on forestry roads.
Plans, what plans? No plans
Mentioned before, this summer’s MC adventures wasn’t well planned. In fact it wasn’t planned at all, ad-hoc, on a whim decisions dominated, purposely. I had this idea, after countless years and summer vacations with plans, not to have any whatsoever. Play things by ear, improvise.
It turned out to be adventurous, exciting, and cool!
Arriving in Füssen
I used the GPS’s PoI’s and found plenty of alternatives. After one miss (the hotel was full) got a tip about one that, as it turned out, had vacancy for a night. Just outside of town, close to a nice “Alpy” river and woods. I’ve said this before and I’ll say this again.
If you look for a room right outside a city, not only are you likely to find accommodation much easier, but the price is often down to half of what you pay in a town.
When/if in Füssen, try Bad Faulenbach. Several good hotels around, walking distance from town. I ended up at Park hotel, a cozy little place I’d recommend if you’re stopping by in town.