Imposters and impersonators flourish on social media. A recent experience compelled me to sit down and write about it. The reason isn’t just because of my own, personal, experience. But for anyone who might be exposed to the same. And as much, those who’ve had their identify stolen. With pictures, social network and everything. Before…read more>>
Environment, life, politics
Patience is a virtue they say, well
Patience is a virtue they say. 1 month plus has passed since the last update. 4 months since the accident, a little less since surgery. So perhaps it’s time for a verbal mouthful. Patience and impatience For the impatient 4 months might seem like an eternity. And one should, long since, have enjoyed miraculous progress…read more>>
3 months passed since the accident
3 months have passed since the accident. In one way it feels like eons ago. Yet in other ways, a mere fortnight, from time to time. I spent 8 weeks at Godthaab rehab center in Bærum, Norway. That got me off to a much swifter improvement than what I would have accomplished at home. Leave…read more>>
Fate and fatalities, early end of a summer season
Fate is, well for the most part, and for the most of us, unknown. Until it’s the present or, as one sometimes look forward to, history. This introduction may sound a bit cryptic. But if you grant me some minutes it should become clear what type of fate I am hinting at. It will also…read more>>
A Nordic skiers log, about the boring and the good
The winter of 2017/2018 have brought back snow, in plenty, to the Nordic, my region. And the country as a whole. It would be correct to say this winter will go down in history as a snowy “blast from the past”. A sign of change? Who knows, maybe it does represent changes in the (global)…read more>>
About our hyper allergic Cat with Hyperthyroidism
We’ve had our cat now for soon 14 years. A new medical condition with subsequent reactions and challenges had me, for the first time, sit down and write something about the experience. Hopefully this post will be of help to others. About 1 month ago from date, our feline male, soon 14 was diagnosed with…read more>>
GoPro Hero Black 4 production fault: 3 cameras, all faulty!
This morning I was about to finalize a new blog in the series about motorcycle riding in Europe summer (2016). But something else turned up in my head, something that cannot get enough exposure. About the world famous camera from GoPro, and model Hero Black 4. So, here it GoPro’es.. Slightly before or around my return to riding motorcycles after 32+ years,…read more>>
Counting stars? Nope, counting trees
Indeed, and that is what some scientists have done of late. A Yale study have led to the conclusion that there are some 3 trillion trees on the planet, well 3,04 according to the study which you can find here. This is far more than “one” have previously believed. To arrive at this result one have used a combination…read more>>
May 2015, a (too long?) summary
it’s been a while since I posted anything, so therefore, on this last day in May I decided it’s time.. for a blog. May 2015 – brrr… cold May has been cold where I live, in fact the coldest May recorded in 19 years. Another side effect of climatic changes and global warming? Some would say…read more>>
Staying fit, interval training, Fitbit Surge
We all know it’s a good idea to pay attention to health, or “the status of the physical holster”. There’s no need to go scientific to realize, no need to read product declarations to comprehend, count calories or carbohydrates to measure, that lots of things we put in our mouth, more so in the western “civilized” world, is bad for our health….read more>>