A recollection from the past may hit you at any time. When you least expect it, being unprepared, or by instigation. A recollection from the past can be a trigger, of thoughts, emotions, imagery, music. Sometimes we try to force ourselves into a different frame of mind. But it could be, given the right moment,…read more>>
Daily rant, this & that
How to combat imposters & why it’s important
How to combat imposters on social media? Is it at all possible? Well, if we don’t try then we make it harder for ourselves! Before getting on with the topic, did not foresee that, just few days after the previous post, I’d be back hammering on the keyboard about the same topic. Thought I’d said…read more>>
Imposters and impersonators on social media

Imposters and impersonators flourish on social media. A recent experience compelled me to sit down and write about it. The reason isn’t just because of my own, personal, experience. But for anyone who might be exposed to the same. And as much, those who’ve had their identify stolen. With pictures, social network and everything. Before…read more>>
Silence, but there’s life alright
Silence it’s good, every so often. Guess I went empty, sort of. That, and summer season never is a high for me writing-wise. Think I went a bit sour in my pursuit to finish off the story about last year’s escapades. So silence was needed. And that coincided with the beginning of the motorcycle season….read more>>
The 2021 season – return to a passion
The 2021 (motorcycle) season is still months away (here). Many look forward to spring. Forward to, hopefully, some normality. How normal the year of 2021 and season will be, largely depends on us, the citizens. On the nations of the world. Vaccines may help, especially if people take them. Equally, following guidelines helps, a lot….read more>>
Briefly – late November rambling
Briefly, yeah just a bit of rambling. Not much going on to be honest. That’s not only because of COVID-19. There are other reasons. if you’ve read one, or maybe two, of the earlier posts here you know about those other reasons. Surely an abrupt way to end the 2020 motorcycle season. Followed by a…read more>>
Patience is a virtue they say, well

Patience is a virtue they say. 1 month plus has passed since the last update. 4 months since the accident, a little less since surgery. So perhaps it’s time for a verbal mouthful. Patience and impatience For the impatient 4 months might seem like an eternity. And one should, long since, have enjoyed miraculous progress…read more>>
3 months passed since the accident
3 months have passed since the accident. In one way it feels like eons ago. Yet in other ways, a mere fortnight, from time to time. I spent 8 weeks at Godthaab rehab center in Bærum, Norway. That got me off to a much swifter improvement than what I would have accomplished at home. Leave…read more>>
Shit happens, sometimes in the right places
Shit happens, sometimes in the right places. This is (also) a truth and, as it were, a truth I much prefer when shit does happen. So Monday April 6th the motorcycle season was supposed to start for me. A little late compared to last year. But those who wait for something good never wait in…read more>>
Hearing protection, loss of hearing or Tinnitus
Hearing protection is a must if you’re riding a motorcycle. The consequences of no or poor protection can be serious and life lasting. Hearing protection should never be ignored. if you work in noisy environments, you probably know this very well. Take no risks. Sustained sound/sonic pressure can cause life-long damages. Or reduced hearing, especially…read more>>