Yes sad, to the world of music, to the world of fusion music lovers, musicians, guitar players. April 16th in the afternoon (CET) his family communicated via social media that Allan Holdsworth, world renounced guitar & musician genius, father and grandfather, had unexpectedly passed away on April 15th. For those of us who grew up in the…read more>>
Art & Music related
Old heroes don’t live forever….
Old heroes don’t live forever a friend reminded me today. News of the passing of Grand Prog Rock Master Extraordinaire Keith Emerson spread quickly across the interweb and social media. Sadly, while the circumstances around his death remained unknown at first, during the afternoon (CET) of Saturday 12th Billboard updated their article stating that, according…read more>>
New year, clean slate? Don’t know about that, but…
..making promises at the end of the old year, for the new year, to myself, and keep them, yep, tried and failed. Yet sometimes, for whatever reason, whether associated with a new year, new beginning or clean slate kinda feeling, those do lead … somewhere. Making it a new start? Doing a (light/heavy) reboot? A kick-my-butt symbolic fresh start? A page turn? I’ll speak for…read more>>
A treshhold mile, along a road named Procrastination
I find myself camping there, every once in a while. Somewhere along the road named (or called) Procrastination. That road might, for lack of better examples, occasionally look like this… Come to think of it, the above scenery (or scenario) is a lot more interesting. It’s a problem related to some particular mundane tasks and, regrettably, some (dear)…read more>>
A musical giant have left us, RIP
On March 13th 2015 Daevid Allen, Age 77, one of the most original musical artists of this and the former century, exhaled for the last time. Posted on Facebook the morning (CET) of Friday 13th, by his son Orlando Monday Allen: ”And so dada Ali, bert camembert, the dingo Virgin, divided alien and his other 12 selves…read more>>
When you feel a creative flow…
… it’s sometimes best to let things come and not try to control… too much. Allow the energy of momentary inspiration to take the drivers seat. It’s good to have a plan, but with regards to art and art forms sometimes desire for a plan can disrupt currents, disrupt creativity even before you got started. For a while now I’ve wanted…read more>>
Project ringtones, a way to …
… become musically creative? A few days ago another iPhone lit up and gave off a sound identical to mine. A standard marimba ringtone that I gather must be used by millions. Happened to you as well? Someone using the same sound as you? Ringtones exists in the ten/hundred thousands, or millions. You can find them In…read more>>
One of my favorite applications
… definitely is Applied Acoustics’ Lounge Lizard. If you’re a keyboard player I’d be surprised if the name and manufacturer is unknown, and Lounge Lizard not already in your portfolio of soft instruments. Whether you’re a professional or an amateur, virtuoso or average, this is a must have for anyone who love Fender Rhodes and electric pianos. A truly inspiring package for almost anyone….read more>>